Step 3: Swap Tokens

Learn how to swap between your app token and sRLY. This will be the main method your users will use obtain your app token through the token swap.

Swapping Tokens

Step 3.1: Swap tokens

Enter the two tokens to swap from / to and enter the amount.

Usage: rly-cli tbc-swap [options] <swap> <token_a> <token_b> <amount>

  swap                  swap
  token_a               token A
  token_b               token B
  amount                amount of token a to swap

  -e, --env <string>    Solana cluster env name (default: "devnet")
  -k, --keypair <path>  Solana wallet location (default: "--keypair not provided")
  -h, --help            display help for command

Usetbc-swap-estimate to see estimate outputs.

That's it!

In this section you should have:

  • Swapped between two tokens in both directions

  • Verified balance changes in both token swap token accounts

  • Verified balance changes in the user token accounts

Last updated