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Last updated
Uniswap - (Skip to Steps)
RLY Contract Address: 0xf1f955016ecbcd7321c7266bccfb96c68ea5e49b
Some wallets such as exchange wallets cannot actually accept ERC20 tokens. Please ensure you are using an ERC20 capable wallet or your tokens may be become inaccessible. View our suggestions here.
Some wallets such as Coinbase do not currently allow you to edit gas price. This may cause some transactions to become stuck and/or revert, wasting fees. We advise you use a wallet that is capable of adjusting gas fees, such as Metamask or MEW.
Buy or Sell Ethereum Mainnet $RLY on Uniswap or Balancer liquidity pool markets.
Ethereum Mainnet ERC-20 Capable Wallet
An amount of ETH to cover gas fees
Go to the Uniswap website and click Launch App, or go directly to the Uniswap swap app.
Connect your wallet.
Select the token you'd like to swap from or to in the appropriate section, and search for "RLY" or "0xf1f955016EcbCd7321c7266BccFB96c68ea5E49b" (RLY token address)
Alternatively, you can navigate directly to the RLY/ETH pair.
Approve and Swap - Approval/Unlock should only be necessary for your first tx.
Be sure to check and set appropriate gas fees. Defaults are usually a little conservative and Uniswap will revert a transaction that takes too long (default 20min).
Go to the Balancer website and click Exchange, or go directly to the Balancer swap app.
Connect your wallet.
Select the token you'd like to swap from or to in the appropriate section, and search for "RLY" or "0xf1f955016EcbCd7321c7266BccFB96c68ea5E49b" (Rally token address)
Unlock and Swap - Approval/Unlock should only be necessary for your first tx.
Be sure to check and set appropriate gas fees.